Arrivederci Macerata!

Our final day crept up on us and off we went to the local gym hall, where our very own Epke Zonderland had once competed. His picture was on the wall, as three top sportsmen flexed, stretched and pulled poses that seemed humanly impossible and after their warming up showed us some of their crafts on the vault, tumbling tracks and on the rings. Impressed by their power and grace as they went from one spin, jump or acrobatic move to the next, the pupils were then allowed to try out the tumbling track (and yes, some of the teachers did it too!) Once everyone had completed some of the warming up, the international groups headed to play basketball together. The fun and enthusiasm of the teams was terrific to watch as they worked through any language barrier and scored baskets one after the other.

The gym visit was part of the Erasmus+ ‘Sustainable World, Sustainable me’ project, which sought to tie in well-being, sport and healthy diet in how to sustain yourself!

The afternoon was started with a summary video that flashbacked to all of the activities and learning that we have had this week at IIS Bramante & Pannaggi in Macerata. Pupils had baked and made Italian specialities for us to try during the afternoon farewell party. Thanks to the Mrs Farroni, Mrs Trombettoni and the wonderful staff and pupils of the school for the very warm welcome this week and the enjoyable project.

For us, we have seen how our young pupils have grown this week, using their English from DLE to work together with other Europeans; how they have shown responsibility for themselves and each other. They have also shown immense confidence to walk into a school, very different to ours and take part in the various activities and respect for the fellow pupils and their Italian counterparts and staff. We are very proud of this group and this is the benefit of Erasmus+; enriching lives and opening minds.