Respect 4 Diversity opens in Spain

After a tiring travel day to Caravaca, the group woke bright and early to start their Erasmus+ project: RESPECT 4 Diversity in Caravaca de la Cruz.

The day started with a fun hike up some of the many steep streets into the town before heading to the Culture Hall, where the headmaster and the Erasmus+ coordinator opened this year’s project, outlining how diverse we are and how our differences make us unique – something that we should celebrate and promote.

Presentations followed on Caravaca, our partner school IES Ginés Pérez Chirinos, then we were given the chance to show off our Golden Age town of Enkhuizen and our school, before the microphone was handed to the two schools travelling from Quimper, Collège La Sablière and Lycée Le Paraclet. Once acquaintances had been made it was time to take part in a fun quiz about Diversity with cards, being raised for the correct answers!

After a short walk it was time to get to know the secondary school and to break the ice with the international groups with some great games inside and out. The creativity continued as the international groups then set out to capture the essence of Erasmus in a logo for our project!

After lunch it was time for some serious talks about diversity, as pupils were given a chance to reflect on how diverse their immediate surroundings are in the people they connect with.

Tomorrow’s schedule is looking promising with lots more activities to help us reflect on diversity and what respect means.