In a fully-packed assembly hall, our IGCSE Global Perspectives, A- level Global Perspectives, BTEC level II Travel & Tourism and Cambridge English First, Advanced, Proficiency and Business English students celebrated their outstanding achievemen...
On Tuesday, 19th September, our DLE years 3 and 4 pupils left Enkhuizen to head to the big city lights of Amsterdam to learn about what they can do with their Dual Language Education vmbo certificates and their BTEC Travel & Tourism certificates...
The RSG Enkhuizen handed out more than 120 diplomas on Tuesday, 6th December 2022. It was that time of year again when pupils were put in the spotlight and praised for their outstanding results in a variety of highly-prized internationally-recognise...
Het International Department van de RSG is hét adres voor veel verschillende vakken die in het Engels aangeboden worden en voor complete examenprogramma's met internationale diploma's. Tweetalig Onderwijs (tto) Tweetalig onderwijs is meer d...
The last day of the exchange started with the pupils reflecting on their learning from Wednesday's activities in Hoorn and during the home visits for dinner. After a short break, the pupils got to work on creating their posters in their groups with ...
Day two started with the group split in two. One half started in Enkhuizen on a Scavenger Hunt with group photos that had to be taken to solve the questions on their sheets. Each correct photo collected a letter from a 10-lettered word about RESPECT...
What a day we had! It finished with music, dancing and a tear with our goodbyes. Our last day in Quimper started with games from the region, which the international groups played together. The games on offer ranged from a game that resembled nine...
Erasmus+ project RESPECT 4 Diversity kicked off on Monday 16th October in Quimper, Brittany with our long-term partner school IES Ginés Pérez Chirinos and our new partners Collège La Sablière and Lycée Le Paraclet in Quimper! It was an unusual day t...
That was the feeling today, when we rounded off the project in Macerata with mavo 3 tto. The week here had flown by, certainly helped along with the unusually tropical weather! The morning started with a reception given by the Mayor of Macerata, ...
Our third day in Macerata started with a competitive baseball match between the Italians and the Dutch pupils. Competition was fierce and both teams worked incredibly well in what turned out to be a friendly match. Both teams agreed that they both h...
A week before the summer holidays the examination results of the final group of Cambridge English students were released and we are very proud to announce that nearly all students were successful in passing their Cambridge English exams. This school...
Vrijdag 14 juli hebben twee atheneum en twee havo klassen Den Haag bezocht in verband met het internationaliseringsprogramma van het tweetalig onderwijs. Tijdens hun bezoek kregen zij de kans om VVD-kamerlid Mariëlle Paul te ontmoeten en vragen te s...
2023 was a special year for the RSG Enkhuizen with the first ever graduation ceremony for our mavo pupils. Our first group of learners has completed four years of education with us with 38% of their education being offered in English from year 1 to ...
Friday, 21st April saw two of our talented writers in DLE 2 make their way to the national finals of the Flash Fiction competition! This year, the school had two pupils in the top ten in the whole of the Netherlands! Louise’s 150 words were cleve...
During the final two days, the students visited the fortified city of Valletta and the fortified three Cities of Malta ( known as Vittoriosa, Senglea and Cospicua) that are situated directly across the Grand Harbour. In Valletta the 3D Malta Experie...
From 26th March to 31st March, H3a travelled to Caravaca de la Cruz for their part of the Erasmus+ project: HEROES- Helping the Earth Restore Order through Environmental Sustainability. The group were treated to an unforgettable week of activities s...
A3a left on Sunday, 9th October for their international cooperation project with IES Ginés Pérez Chirinos and Excelsior Academy. The three schools started their Erasmus+ project HEROES (Helping the Earth Restore Our Environmental Sustainability). Wi...
De schoolvakanties voor het nieuwe schooljaar worden in overleg met de regionale scholen vastgesteld. Hier vindt u het overzicht voor het huidige schooljaar. In principe wordt niet afgeweken van de vastgestelde vakantiedagen. Bijzonder verlo...
This year's third-year pupils in havo and vwo went through the age-old ceremony of graduation as though they were in the UK, Australia or the United States of America. They were rounding off their three years of Dual Language Education at the RSG En...
"Imagine that..." was the title and theme for this year's Junior Speaking Contest. All second year pupils had to write a three-minute speech starting with those two words. From local issues to dreams of a better world, all pupils wrote and perfo...
Iedereen houdt van reizen en de wereld ontdekken, maar wat betekent toerisme in onze wereld, duurzaamheid, wat is goed 'customer service?' Dat ga je allemaal leren bij ons. Met een BTEC-certificaat voor Vocational Studies gaat de internationale we...
In de bovenbouw van het atheneum en het havo bieden wij het vak Cambridge Global Perspectives and Independent Research aan. Het vak is gericht op leerlingen die van plan zijn om na hun voortgezet onderwijs een internationale opleiding te gaan volgen...
De Engelse taal neemt een steeds grotere plaats in binnen het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven, het onderwijs en onze maatschappij. Deze ontwikkeling wordt weerspiegeld in de toelatingseisen die instellingen voor middelbaar, hoger- en universitair onderwij...
Het leren van een taal is net als autorijden. De leerlingen zitten vanaf de eerste dag achter het stuur; zij leren hoe de taal werkt met vallen en opstaan. Door te kijken onder de motorkap leren de leerling precies hoe de motor van de taal werkt ...
Op de RSG Enkhuizen voel je je snel thuis in de Engelse taal. Je volgt meer dan vijftig procent van je vakken in het Engels. Je krijgt les van docenten die Engels hebben als eerste taal of docenten die in het buitenland hebben lesgegeven! Echt Enge...
Bij ons op school kunnen leerlingen op mavo-, havo- of vwo-niveau kiezen voor tweetalig onderwijs. TTO staat voor tweetalig onderwijs. Dit is voor leerlingen die gemotiveerd zijn om meer uit hun opleiding te halen en die het leuk vinden om ...